SARA CA Council celebrates design excellence in architecture and design through the SARA CA Design Awards Program, which attracts entries from across the country and around the world from individuals, firms, and students of architecture and allied disciplines. Awards are granted for a wide range of categories and project types, and all entrants will be invited to attend the awards ceremony in California.
Professional Registration Opens November 1, 2024
Submission Deadline (all categories): February 28, 2025 at 8:59pm PST
Awards Notification: March 2025
Awards Celebration April 2025 in California
Entry Fees
SARA Members $195
Non-Members $295
Students $25
Architecture, planning, landscape architecture, and design projects may be submitted by individuals, firms, or students of these disciplines. See Project Categories for a complete list. No project may be submitted which has previously received a SARA CA Council Design Award.
Entries are to be submitted into any one of the categories listed below. Category assignments may be revised at the discretion of the jury. Each project will be judged upon its own merit separate from other submissions, regardless of category.
Single-Family Residential
AI in Architecture (Free category sponsored by ARKAI.Design)
Multi-Family Residential: Condominiums, Apartments
Multi-Family Residential: Affordable Housing, Low Income Housing, Market Rate Housing
(Quantity and percentage required)
Commercial: Office, Retail, Industrial, Mixed-Use
Institutional: Educational, Health-Related, Religious
Additions and Small Projects
Renovation, Restoration, and Adaptive Re-use
Sustainable Design
Unbuilt and Theoretical Projects
Architectural Interiors
Landscape Architecture (in any of the above categories)
Planning: City and Regional, Urban, Feasibility Studies
Related Arts: Industrial Design, Furniture, Lighting, Hardware, etc.
Graphic Communication: Rendering, Computer Graphics, Modeling, Virtual Reality Imaging
Material Sciences
Student Projects
Awards will be given with the following distinctions: Excellence, Honor, Merit
Entries will be judged based upon any or all of the following:
Clarity of Concept, Strength and Uniqueness of Solution, and Accurate
Scope of Work
Response to Project’s Context of Rural, Suburban, Urban, Campus, or Other
Unique Neighboring Conditions
Appropriateness, Applicability, and Function
Overall Design Aesthetics
Creativity, Innovation, Ingenuity, and Invention
Social/Cultural/Community Relevance
Award recipients will be notified March 2025.
Awards will be presented at the SARA CA Design Awards Celebration, April 2025 (Venue/Date TBD). Entrants and winners will be invited to attend along with their clients, consultants, contractors, fellow students, professors, and families.
Announcement Coming Soon. Location CA
Opportunities are available. Promote your firm, brand, or celebrate a winning project!
Hotel recommendations and room group codes.